→ free and online

with simultaneous translation

April, 12nd and 13rd, 2023

Participate in the 3rd edition of CTRL > CLTR, an international festival of Learning Culture

At From Control to Culture 2023, you will learn about cases of organizations that have dared to step out of their comfort zone when it comes to learning.




What do innovative organizations have in common? The courage to question the status quo.

It’s true: it’s not easy to give up the comfort that the traditional system of corporate education provides. But it is also true that the dominant learning models in companies no longer meet real needs for change. It’s time to see learning from new perspectives and take upskilling and reskilling to the next level – as many people around the world are already doing.

Save the date

The Ctrl to Cltr Festival 2023 takes place on April 12th and 13th, from 9am to 1pm BRT. The event will be streamed online and live. Register for free and mark your calendar to participate.


Carla Soutelinho

Lider de Aprendizagem Vale

Carla has been working in the Human Resources field for over two decades, having worked for companies in the Logistics, Insurance, Steel, and Mining sectors. With 18 years of experience at Vale, she now serves as a Learning Leader, with her latest challenge being to reposition the area and support the development of a strong Learning Culture. Carla is a psychologist, from Rio de Janeiro, a Sagittarius, a nature lover, and a mother to Pedro and Gabriel.

Srishti Sehgal

Learning Design Lead NextLeap

The designer and researcher Srishti Sehgal defines herself as a learning nerd. She currently leads the learning design team at NextLeap, in addition to publishing a newsletter called Learning Nerd’s Diary about how to learn and teach better.

Agustín Couto

For the last 25 years Agustín Couto has been working at the intersection of people and profitable businesses. Proficient in translating business strategy into people development priorities, creating and implementing cutting-edge learning solutions, Agustín has led transformative learning programs for leaders and executives of Fortune 500 companies, boosting organizational effectiveness around the globe. He has founded and led Learning and Development consulting firms, held executive positions at Meta/Facebook and holds a master’s degree in Adult Learning and Leadership from Columbia University.

Moisés Marques

Diretor | Inovação & estratégia de RH Coca-Cola FEMSA

With solid experience accumulated in Latin America, Europe, and the USA, Moisés Marques is accustomed to leading teams in complex environments. As an HR executive, he has worked for several multinational companies, such as General Motors, Unilever, Mondelez, Kimberly Clark, Novo Nordisk, and Coca Cola FEMSA.

Thais Pazini

Cultura Algar

As the person in charge of Algar’s Cultural Evolution Program since 2016, Thais Pazini sees self-directed, social, and informal learning as a powerful tool for transformation within companies. As an expert in Corporate Culture and Learning Architecture, she argues that both the longevity of organizations and the democratization of knowledge are inseparable from a culture focused on learning.

Rossana Bitello

Gerente de Desenvolvimento de pessoas Sicredi

Rossana is the People Development Manager at Sicredi, where she led the construction and implementation of a Learning Ecosystem. She has been working in the Corporate Learning field for over 10 years, focusing on topics such as talent management, career and succession planning, attraction and recruitment, performance management, and organizational and digital transformation.

Camilla Morozini

Líder de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento Gerdau

With a Marketing degree, Camilla migrated to the Human Resources field in 2013. Since then, she has worked on major T&D projects, such as the construction of Crotonville Rio, the first GE Learning Center in Latin America. With experience in organizations such as Diversey and Vale, she now leads the construction of the Gerdau Leaders Academy.

Illana Kern

Diretora de Gente | Am. Sul Ambev

With over 10 years of experience, Illana Kern is currently the Director of People Attraction and Development for South America at Ambev. She graduated in International Relations and started her career in the organization in 2013, having worked in several units in Brazil. Her greatest professional challenge today is to leverage the group’s capabilities.

Moritz Ettl

Co-Founder and Managing Director Forever Day One

Moritz is part of the task force created by the German government to deal with the problem of skills shortage. He is a familiar face at major European corporate events, where he participates as a moderator or speaker. As a co-founder of Forever Day One, Moritz creates cutting-edge learning experiences for companies such as Viessmann, VW, and Hornbach.


Beyond the Obvious Connection

In a constantly changing world, we must learn to change the system, be within the system, and become the system. Warm Data is a group conversation that navigates complex systemic vision – a practical and impactful way to challenge our thinking, expand our perspective, and promote transformations. Through mutual learning, we will learn to see the web surrounding the culture of learning and create new possibilities and scripts. What emerges from the dance between learning and courage?

April 12th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.


Day 01 12/04, Wednesday











Day 02 13/04, Thursday












The first Learning Culture consultancy in Brazil, which helps large organizations transform themselves into true spaces of human development.

Is a pioneering Live Learning company in Brazil that designs and produces transformative live experiences.


As a global organization, Hult EF provides immersive learning programs focused on the most critical global business skills for all levels of employees.


An online platform where L&D professionals can come together to accelerate their development through practice and knowledge sharing.